so long time...almost a year...hehe...since this is my personal the posts are also personal to me...
in my 1st BIG [Bina Insan Guru] ck zenol had asked me to jump into the TASIK KENYIR...hehe..that was really unforgettable...yes...i dun know how tu swim...sangatlah takotnyer...but...aku terjun jugak...hehe...keras kepala katakan...
trip to cameron...a class trip...handled by jimmy...nothing to do melainkan jalan2...its such a good trip to enjoy...but not good enough to proof that we're proffesional...hehe...urm...also with the trip...
i bought my DSC-W35 costs RM799...wif 512MB memory stick duo (RM100 lbh kurg...lupa..) i bought it on april 8...
for the exam on may...i'm not fully prepared...i joined kem alam sekitar at the end of may...i knew bout "kulat susu rimau"...hehe...mama then asked me to buy it more...tapi...mana nk carik?
semester 2 begins wif me as a PKK...hard to do all the responsibilities.. tapi...carry on...hehe...and the discipline problems of my classmate became the top story of the year!! hehe...thanx buddies for the conference...i know myself better...susah...pahit...tapi telan jer....hehe...
when the pointer comesout.....i wish i could reseat my exam back....huh...
for the 1st was not as gud as i want...partnered with azam from raja melewar....but my second is really great!! it makes me eager to be posting in school....hehe...yela....
then...October comes...with Allah and abah went to Mecca...with kakak...thanx God... Alhamdulillah...although i have to raya with abe pik n yeh...but i know who surina is...huh.. dun want to talk bout broke my heart to pieces..............
early november....3 of us...went to register our 2018....urm....i really want it....go to Mecca with ma and abah....hopefully.....
and also in november...i sat for my final semester exam...hehe...with my blurred vision...Hakim tested his Ultraman power on my spec...hehe...patah dah.... really marah of him...tapi budak2....
5th appoinment at power of lenses increased 50 each...just after i stepped out i went to focus point...i got my new look on tuesday dec11.....
for my sewing project...i've done my first beading work for my baju raya...simple but raised good attention from friends of mine...ecah gave a kain to sew,but i dun take it...coz i'm not ready to sew lining....and for my hols, i sew lining baju kurung kembang and tudung...for the tudung, hopes that it will come out with embroidery for hari raya haji...hopefully so....coz i got my new eyes!! hehe...
for the charity....huh....very pening kepala......of the kambing, of the OKU, of the anak yatim tunas harapan, and olso rumah seri kenangan....if they planned it shoud be done smoothly.....
when is the next post? hehe....

...kepahitan yang ditelan berkali-kali...lama kelamaan tidak akan terasa pahitnya lagi...seandainya tidak mencuba,kita tidak akan pernah tahu akan kebolehan diri sendiri...
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