so far...i've three sisters in law...but one of them had divorced...
having them in my life provide a new way of thinking in me myself...
i learnt....lot of things
i learnt...
how to be kind with the 'new' family...
how to build the skills...to emerge in the new environment...
i learnt...
how to be a good cook...
how important to a wife to have an excellent skill in cooking favourite dishes of your husband...
how important in taking care of husband...
i learnt...
even i am a career woman, i hve to take care of my spouse...
do you ever think.....
what would be...
in my 'new' family soon..............
especially 'ibu mertuaku' @ mother in law of mine.....................???????
think it deeply...............

...kepahitan yang ditelan berkali-kali...lama kelamaan tidak akan terasa pahitnya lagi...seandainya tidak mencuba,kita tidak akan pernah tahu akan kebolehan diri sendiri...
Di pertemuan semusim yang lalu
Harumnya suasana
Kehadiranmu sewangi haruman
Menyegarkan perasaan
Tanpa ku menduga
Bagaikan lautan menghempas
Menghanyutkan daku
Terlontar jauh dari sisimu
Mengapa mesti terpisah
Sedangkan aku sabar dalam kesetiaan
Biarkan wajah rinduku terdampar sepi
Menunggu berakhirnya nafas ini
Sejenak itu aku menyedari
Betapa sayangnya aku
Andainya dikau menyesali diri
Pulanglah kerna akulah kekasihmu
Harumnya suasana
Kehadiranmu sewangi haruman
Menyegarkan perasaan
Tanpa ku menduga
Bagaikan lautan menghempas
Menghanyutkan daku
Terlontar jauh dari sisimu
Mengapa mesti terpisah
Sedangkan aku sabar dalam kesetiaan
Biarkan wajah rinduku terdampar sepi
Menunggu berakhirnya nafas ini
Sejenak itu aku menyedari
Betapa sayangnya aku
Andainya dikau menyesali diri
Pulanglah kerna akulah kekasihmu
77 days to complete 20 years of my life...
i've been breathing for 7269 days in this unexpected world...
this 2007 started with.....distraught....
almost all my plans ruined...and i really feel lost...
no one could understand me...no one knows my feelings...no one stands in my place..no one...that is why...i have no one...no one to share with...no one...peoples around me...doing hypocracy....asking me to do what i couldn't do on my own...and i lost my strength...for the first 4 years soon...i do not know what my life will be...i lost my motivation...uh...no one will keep his eye on me...
no one...
no one...
no one...
i rather be insane...i rather be ill...i do not want to further my study...useless...
and i do not want to plan anything for this whole year...........
....in distraught....
i've been breathing for 7269 days in this unexpected world...
this 2007 started with.....distraught....
almost all my plans ruined...and i really feel lost...
no one could understand me...no one knows my feelings...no one stands in my place..no one...that is why...i have no one...no one to share with...no one...peoples around me...doing hypocracy....asking me to do what i couldn't do on my own...and i lost my strength...for the first 4 years soon...i do not know what my life will be...i lost my motivation...uh...no one will keep his eye on me...
no one...
no one...
no one...
i rather be insane...i rather be ill...i do not want to further my study...useless...
and i do not want to plan anything for this whole year...........
....in distraught....
the smallest and the biggest significant numbers...
also represent the toughest in the rest of my life...
happines...obstacles...distraught...self confidence...caring...love....and more...
and it really matures me a lot....
changing my view of life...my way of thinking...being closer to the Almighty...closer to my family...reveal the responsibilties....
the most unforgetable...
i'd been more responsible...
to my mom...dad...siblings...
make me understand more about others feelings
in making friends....
at last i realize who are my true friends...
thinking positive to everything around us...
my fault...not appreciating the closest person...that sometimes hurts her very much...i'm so sorry...
and also i finally knew...even a person showing negative habit, not all of her personality is negative...she might understands u better than the positive one...
in love...
uh...happy even sometimes hurted...that's the truth...in any relationship...even between husband and wife... Tan Sri P.Ramlee said, "sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit"
and the negative part may strengthen the bond of love...
in planning my life...
i want to complete my study....Dr. Suhaila Daud....by 35....god willing...Insyaalah...
from 1.4 ATOS Prima...i changed my dream car to Hyundai Getz...
in learning new skills....
i've polished my computer skills...photoshop 7...swish...and few other skills....
i also improved my driving skills...driving from gunung to dungun is the most unforgetable experience...with an auto and a manual car...they both gave me different experience respectively...
in other words...i'm happy being 19....
the smallest and the biggest significant numbers...
also represent the toughest in the rest of my life...
happines...obstacles...distraught...self confidence...caring...love....and more...
and it really matures me a lot....
changing my view of life...my way of thinking...being closer to the Almighty...closer to my family...reveal the responsibilties....
the most unforgetable...
i'd been more responsible...
to my mom...dad...siblings...
make me understand more about others feelings
in making friends....
at last i realize who are my true friends...
thinking positive to everything around us...
my fault...not appreciating the closest person...that sometimes hurts her very much...i'm so sorry...
and also i finally knew...even a person showing negative habit, not all of her personality is negative...she might understands u better than the positive one...
in love...
uh...happy even sometimes hurted...that's the truth...in any relationship...even between husband and wife... Tan Sri P.Ramlee said, "sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit"
and the negative part may strengthen the bond of love...
in planning my life...
i want to complete my study....Dr. Suhaila Daud....by 35....god willing...Insyaalah...
from 1.4 ATOS Prima...i changed my dream car to Hyundai Getz...
in learning new skills....
i've polished my computer skills...photoshop 7...swish...and few other skills....
i also improved my driving skills...driving from gunung to dungun is the most unforgetable experience...with an auto and a manual car...they both gave me different experience respectively...
in other words...i'm happy being 19....
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(c) my way...my view...my strength...
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