77 days to complete 20 years of my life...
i've been breathing for 7269 days in this unexpected world...
this 2007 started with.....distraught....
almost all my plans ruined...and i really feel lost...
no one could understand me...no one knows my feelings...no one stands in my place..no one...that is why...i have no one...no one to share with...no one...peoples around me...doing hypocracy....asking me to do what i couldn't do on my own...and i lost my strength...for the first 4 years soon...i do not know what my life will be...i lost my motivation...uh...no one will keep his eye on me...
no one...
no one...
no one...
i rather be insane...i rather be ill...i do not want to further my study...useless...
and i do not want to plan anything for this whole year...........
....in distraught....

...kepahitan yang ditelan berkali-kali...lama kelamaan tidak akan terasa pahitnya lagi...seandainya tidak mencuba,kita tidak akan pernah tahu akan kebolehan diri sendiri...
(c) my way...my view...my strength...
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2007 mmg hadiah thun bru sungguh mmeritkan... tapi terpaksa terima... wlu kering air mta.. plan ttp plan... mna2 kna tuka tu kna la tuka... plan balik.. bangkit... ini bukan kejatuhan... igt sayang... kejayaan ad di dpan kkgaln.. lbih tpt tu kta2 u dri abg... wlu bgimanapn .... i'll alwys pray 4 ur blissfull....take care sayang..
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