the smallest and the biggest significant numbers...
also represent the toughest in the rest of my life...
happines...obstacles...distraught...self confidence...caring...love....and more...
and it really matures me a lot....
changing my view of life...my way of thinking...being closer to the Almighty...closer to my family...reveal the responsibilties....
the most unforgetable...
i'd been more responsible...
to my mom...dad...siblings...
make me understand more about others feelings
in making friends....
at last i realize who are my true friends...
thinking positive to everything around us...
my fault...not appreciating the closest person...that sometimes hurts her very much...i'm so sorry...
and also i finally knew...even a person showing negative habit, not all of her personality is negative...she might understands u better than the positive one...
in love...
uh...happy even sometimes hurted...that's the truth...in any relationship...even between husband and wife... Tan Sri P.Ramlee said, "sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit"
and the negative part may strengthen the bond of love...
in planning my life...
i want to complete my study....Dr. Suhaila Daud....by 35....god willing...Insyaalah...
from 1.4 ATOS Prima...i changed my dream car to Hyundai Getz...
in learning new skills....
i've polished my computer skills...photoshop 7...swish...and few other skills....
i also improved my driving skills...driving from gunung to dungun is the most unforgetable experience...with an auto and a manual car...they both gave me different experience respectively...
in other words...i'm happy being 19....

...kepahitan yang ditelan berkali-kali...lama kelamaan tidak akan terasa pahitnya lagi...seandainya tidak mencuba,kita tidak akan pernah tahu akan kebolehan diri sendiri...
(c) my way...my view...my strength...
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2006 thun u kta bljar... sungguh gmbra dpt bsama syg... knal syg.. we can learn from each other... bgus la syg... we alwys +ve kan...
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